Cenote Playa Del Carmen

During the 60’s, the Mexican government, looking for ways to attract tourism, decided to stretch the abandoned beachfront and convert it into a planned resort. The pyramids in Tulum were visited by the tourists every year, for which they had to cross the coral reefs of the Playa Del Carmen. The number of tourists stopping at the beachfront started to hike, which lead to the opening of small shops and restaurants along the shore. What was just a stop-over along the way gradually became a full- fledged tourist destination itself. Bit by Bit, bars, hotels, restaurants and night clubs emerged to give it a look of a fully developed city resort. The night life here is considered beyond comparison with any other place. It has the finest and the most inimitable night life that allures the tourists the most. The bars and night clubs promise a stellar experience and an essence of the city that one just can’t resist to taste. Quinta Avenida is one such bar that cual es el mejor cenote de playa del carmen has a derivative for every mood of yours.